
A family business…
with a global vocation

Our history

NORTEK took its first steps as a humble workshop dedicated to lubrication solutions, founded in 1967 by Juan Alejandro Segrelles. Today we are a leading company in our sector, with an award-winning exporting track record, references in the five continents and an extensive commercial network that backs and supports us. All this without having lost our family business character, based on the commitment of a solid and stable team of professionals. Every day, in every project, we strive to preserve a technological legacy of five decades, and to continue the bold path of learning and growth that has brought us this far.

Dosificador modular de placas tipo sándwich: un diseño habitual para sistemas de grasa en los años 70.


Founding of NORTEK in La Felguera (Asturias) as a distributor of small grease lubrication equipment.


Inauguration of the first workshops in the San José district of Zaragoza, in order to enable a policy of in-house manufacturing that has been maintained to the present day.
The first patent is registered for a NORTEK product, which recognises the perfection obtained in the design of grease dispensers.

Armarios de sistemas de lubricación por niebla de aceite ante el portón de los primeros talleres de NORTEK.


NORTEK designs and manufactures its first oil circulation lubrication system.

Naves de Utebo que sirvieron como sede de NORTEK entre 1976 y 2005.


After successive enlargements of its first workshops, and in view of the growing lack of space to develop the company’s activities, it was decided to move to two warehouses in Utebo (Zaragoza), where the headquarters would remain until 2005.

Detalle del área de mecanizado en Utebo.


First development of an air-oil unit, under orders from AHV-Sagunto and ENSIDESA.


Between the 1970s and 1980s, the company begins its internationalisation process. The first commercial representation abroad was opened in Puebla (Mexico) and the first order for export was received: the lubrication of a fast steel rolling mill block for Morgårdshammar (Sweden).

Algunos de nuestros primeros sistemas de lubricación para reductores.


NORTEK’s portfolio of products and solutions continues to expand with the design of our first API lubrication system and the production of our first magnetic separator.

El DIVINOR® fue la primera patente de NORTEK fuera del ámbito de la lubricación por grasa.


NORTEK has developed, specifically for the cement and mining sectors, two grease spraying systems for mill crowns and floating kiln rings, with great advantages both in terms of grease savings and lubrication efficiency.
NORTEK’s innovative vocation is reflected in its registration as a Spanish Design Trademark.


With the supply of the first oil circulation system to the American company MORGAN CONSTRUCTION CO., NORTEK starts a fruitful collaboration with this company in the steel industry, which will result in the joint development of solutions and patents.

El diseño de centrales de circulación de aceite de forma compacta en una sola bancada fue una seña de identidad de NORTEK.


DIVINOR® is patented: NORTEK’s specific and innovative solution for the distribution of the air-oil mixture.


NORTEK develops its vacuum oil dehydration system and supplies its first complete emulsion system for steel rolling to SMS-DEMAG, thus consolidating its position in the steel industry.

En nuestro Taller de Precisión, los equipos son testados uno por uno para asegurar su plena fiabilidad.


NORTEK and MORGAN CONSTRUCTION CO. jointly register the patent for the SmartTank®: an innovative design of oil circulation tanks that guarantees, in a more compact solution, better properties for the lubricating fluid. At the same time, NORTEK applies for a patent for a new heating system for accumulator oil that does not require the use of heating elements, which is finally granted three years later.
Agreements are reached for the commercial representation of NORTEK in China and India.

Nuestra trayectoria exportadora, reconocida por la Cámara de Comercio en 2004 y 2008.


A major investment in real estate and technology enabled the company to move to its current headquarters in Pinseque (Zaragoza).



For the first time (to SIEMENS UK) an installation for the cooling of aluminium rolling mills is delivered.

El equipo de NORTEK en 2008.


We patented our solutions for vacuum dehydration of water contaminated oil, including a joint patent with MORGAN CONSTRUCTION CO. (now part of the SIEMENS group) for highly contaminated oils.



First comprehensive supply of all lubrication solutions for a new petrochemical plant (REPSOL Cartagena refinery). The oil&gas sector will continue to gain importance in our turnover portfolio, becoming NORTEK’s second reference market.
NORTEK receives the Chamber of Commerce Export Award after achieving export rates of over 80% over several years. It had already received the runner-up prize for the same award four years earlier.

Trabajando en la nueva planta de producción de Pinseque.


With the founding of US NORTEK and its establishment in Auburn (Massachusetts), the company opens its permanent sales office in the United States. Its technicians also specialise in consultancy and R&D&I work.


New representation in South Korea


Certification EN-ISO 3834.3


New representation in Romania


After reaching its record turnover, the company completes the first extension of its headquarters in Pinseque, inaugurated nine years earlier.

En los sótanos de la nueva planta de Hyundai Steel en Danjing (Corea del Sur), uno de los sistemas NORTEK que formó parte, en 2014, del suministro integral de la lubricación para esta instalación.


Juan Alejandro Segrelles, founder and alma mater of NORTEK, passes away, giving way to the second generation of the Segrelles family in the ownership of the company.
Inauguration of the second expansion of the production plant, which allows NORTEK to have its own blasting and painting cabins, as well as a segregated area for handling stainless steel.


NORTEK’s 50th Anniversary brings with it the renewal of the company’s corporate image, which proposes its competence beyond the lubrication sector, as a comprehensive supplier of fluid technology.


Product diversification to become an integrated supplier of fluid systems: increased design and manufacture of hydraulic systems


OBI (Oil Behaviour Intelligence) project to study the dynamic behaviour of oils in lubrication systems. Funded by CDTI


Joint agreement with Primetals USA and Exxon Mobil to study the improvement of the efficiency of lubrication reservoirs.


EAC certification for Nortek products


Strengthening of international presence with new representations in Turkey, France and Morocco.



RSA Seal (Social Responsibility of Aragon)

Our Story

icono empatia


Adopting empathy as the basis for all communication with our clients.

icono predisposicion


Always showing us a great willingness to face any challenge, no matter how complex it may seem to us.

icono orientacion


With a commitment to serve as a guide for our clients, guiding them on their way through each process.

icono confiabilidad


Being transparent, conveying the reliability of being a partner that strives to always offer the best.

We show you our facilities


Countries in which we operate

certificaciones nortek

Quality Assurance